Flat Hill
Director // Branden Wittchen
Run time //
7 Minutes
Nina attempts to stop her high-school sweet heart Parris and his unpredictable brother from taking things too far in their violent revenge.
Branden is a unique and upcoming filmmaker who doesn't shy away from controversial or experimental work. Branden is a multi-award winning filmmaker who wrote and directed short films starring renowned Australian character actors Gyton Grantley (The Dressmaker, Underbelly, House Husbands) and Roy Billing (Jack Irish, The Dish, Underbelly). His last short film 'Remus and Ron', won a number of awards including Australian Independance Excellence at Melbourne Indie Film Festival, and a special mention at Berlin Lift-off.
Shoot date //
Release Date //
Festivals //

Sydney and Melbourne Lift off Global Network | AFIN International Film Festival | Vision Splendid Outback Film Festival | Capricorn Film Festival | Oz Indie Film Festival

Watch Trailer
Director //

Branden Wittchen

Writer //
Producers //

Kolperi Outback Filmmaking
Ashley Burgess

Starring //

Shannon Brooke
Nicolas Angelosanto
Matthew Caffoe
Tristan Barr

Director of Photography //

Dan Hodgson

Production Design //

Emma Thomas

Editor //

Bradley Gillow

Cultural Advisor //
Cinematographer //
Sound Designer //

Michael Monoco

Co-Production Partners //

Why not? Films
Kolperi Outback Filmmaking

Music //

Matthew England
Daniel Millad